Friday, April 30, 2010

birthday presents

Athen is turning 5 in five days. He has been dying to turn 5 since last November. Now that he knows the day is finally approaching he has been eager to discuss his gifts. For the past few weeks Athen has been obsessed with the ever popular japanese animation tv show/toy/computer game/mass marketing gold mine known as Bakugan. Athen has a few of the characters from the game, and he plays with them constantly.

This morning he crawled into bed with us and informed me that all I had to do was "go to Target and go to isle 6 and there they are!"...."How did you know that?!" I said. "Alfred told me," he said....good to know.

Monday, April 19, 2010


The older my children get, the more my career aspirations from my past life seem so inconsequential and superficial. Simultaneously, I am struggling with letting certain dreams go...

I made this the other night while working on some belated thank you notes. The card is of an old photograph of the NYC skyline. It was from a stationary set I've had since high school. The stylish woman is from a magazine clipping that my great Aunt Nancy had saved. She worked for Mademoiselle magazine in New York during the 1950's. The image of the raven is from a glass blower's business card and the photographer is from a album promo poster. The moon I made myself.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

photo show ends

I had a small show of my portraits at Koko Beans Coffee House for the entire month of March. The coffe house is located across the street from our local train museum.
We had a field trip there with Athen's preschool soon after I hung the show. When the field trip was over, several of the parents and kids came over to check out my work and have some coffee. It was almost like an unofficial opening reception. Everyone was really supportive and said nice things about my work.The boys and I took down the show today. Hopefully I'll have another opportunity to show my work there again. Thanks Koko Beans!