Friday, October 16, 2009

have to share...

I worked with a team of volunteers to develop a website for a local non-profit organization that offers before and after school childcare, preschool and summer camp for families in Seattle and Mercer Island.

I photographed children at each of the schools over the course of a year. I took hundreds of photographs, edited them down and sent them to Kids Company well over a year ago.

Finally, the website has been finished.
Check it out here


  1. a little disappointed with their choice of photos. Not the strongest images in my opinion...

  2. how fun! must be great to see your photos up there.

  3. It's a professional body of work, Hannah. The selection of images from a pool of work is an editorial job in and of itself. A good photographer and a good editorial curator are not necessarily the same person. You get lucky if you get to wear both hats and tell the story your way. Luckier still if you get to work with an editor that makes your work look even better than you think it is. And the editor is lucky if they get to work with a photographer that makes their work look better than they think it is. The point is, it's rare to find a good partnership like this.
