Sunday, August 29, 2010

asher says @ 19 months:

Athen (only when Athen has hurt his feelings will he say his name), Pop, get out, what, hey!, meow, he haw (for a donkey) yay yay (which means anything sweet, as in "Yay! I got a treat!") night night, bed, good guy (any toy or person wearing a helmet, hat, holding a sword or riding a motorcycle) s'man (spiderman, just like Athen used to say,) zoom (for cars,) jump, on, off, light, Mom and Dad.

He has stopped saying "Mama" and "Dada..." so sad.


  1. Don't forget to post Asher's sentences. The fact that he can make them at this age is remarkable. It's also so fascinating to see how he is acquiring language skills. He is so articulate for someone his age.
